Wednesday, September 28, 2011


So today was one of those picture perfect moments that you can't believe you caught on camera. Braeden's closest girlfriend (Raelyn) and her wonderful mom (Diane) came over to hang for a while (as they did a couple times a week). Diane and I were only a week apart in our pregnancies, so our little ones have literally grown up together. Now that the babies are at the age to sit in their cute bumbos, we thought what a fantastic picture opportunity. Thankfully, we got much more than we bargained for (referring to the last pic of the kiddos)!

"Don't worry mom,we're just hanging out like normal babies"
Braeden:"Alright they're gone, lets try that thing we saw on tv today"
Raelyn: "Ok, but only if I can practice on my hand first"
The babies have been friends forever literally...35 weeks prego :)